此曲為改編過的德弗札克的《新世界》,讓您的演出能更加精彩!為了維持原曲風格,編曲家付出許多心力將這首受歡迎的管弦樂曲編寫成此版本。為了進一步提升演奏體驗,調性已從 E 小調更改為管樂團更容易吹奏的 F 小調。此版本已將重點聲部節錄出來,讓小編制樂團可以輕鬆使用。期待您的音樂會上能為觀眾帶來這首美妙的《新世界》!
This surprisingly accurate, yet playable Dvorák transcription will enhance any program. Great pains were taken to keep this transcription pure, and the result is a wonderfully written version of one of the orchestral repertoire’s most popularly performed pieces. To further enhance the performance experience, the key has been changed from E minor to the more band-friendly key of F minor. Essential parts are cued, making this adaptation usable by bands with limited instrumentation. Give your audience the “new world” on your next concert!