《In The Center Ring》是 2003 年秋天為來自伊利諾斯州安條克的 Upper Antioch Grade School Band 創作的,Earl Bush 擔任導演。這首曲子是馬戲團表演的音樂快照,從雜耍演員和小丑的瘋狂滑稽動作到走鋼絲和空中飛人表演者的優雅。這種狂野的音樂嬉戲無疑是一項技術挑戰,但對錶演者和聽眾來說也非常有趣。
“In The Center Ring” was written in the autumn of 2003 for the Upper Antioch Grade School Band from Antioch, Illinois, Earl Bush, director. The piece is a musical snapshot of a circus performance, from the madcap antics of the jugglers and clowns to the elegance of the high-wire and trapeze performers. This wild musical romp is certainly a technical challenge, but is also great fun for the performer and listener alike.