I. My dad is a superhero.
II.My hero is sleepy in the morning.
III. My hero is so cool at work.
在一陣突如其來的三角鐵聲響之後,樂曲在急促而慌忙的斷奏(staccato)中進入樂曲的第三個段落,標題為「我的英雄工作時超帥」,獨奏聲部長號分別演奏出以全音階(Whole-tone scale)譜出的主題,帶有猶疑不定且兵慌馬亂的性格;樂團絢爛而飛快的伴奏彷彿父親在工作中面臨各種挑戰,並一一化解的堅毅神情。
IV. My hero loves his family.
V. Be with me forever, my hero.
Japanese composer Hideaki Miura developed his talented composing ability that can be treated as both serious and popular music. The piece, a triple concerto consists of 3 trombone soloists, is dedicated to 3 outstanding trombonists Kuang-Ching Sung, Terry Shiu, and Jia-Rong Tsai. The piece can be divided into 5 paragraphs, each of the paragraph is portrayed by different aspects of how a father look in his son’s eyes and merging the image of a father with a superhero. In addition to the musical element of a Hollywood-styled superhero’s theme, the piece is composed with a humorous but innocent atmosphere, which reveals the admiration and memory of composer’s own father.
I. My dad is a superhero.
The first paragraph is opened with bright and energetic 12/8. The strong and solid sound quality of trombone is shown. The music is changed into a more romantic passage that 3 solo trombones play an enchanted melody that demonstrate a totally different face of the instrument.
II. My hero is sleepy in the morning.
The second paragraph seems to be a lot funnier and more humorous. The 3 trombones play a theme one after another that sounds fatigue and lassitude. The glissando note with Wah-wah mute imitates the yawning as if the father is just awake in the morning and feeling fuzzy.
III. My hero is so cool at work.
After a shocking ringtone played by triangle, the third paragraph begins with a rush and gallop-like staccato. The solo trombones play the theme that is written in whole-tone scale, which leads to an uncertain and panic music character. The dazzling band accompaniment symbolizes all kind of challenges that father has faced at work as well as his perseverance.
IV. My hero loves his family.
The fourth paragraph is the most romantic paragraph in the whole concerto. The music begins with an unaccompanied trombone recitative. The soliloquy brings out a different aspect of the instrument, revealing the softness of a strong hero’s heart. As the band accompaniment and two other solo trombones joining, the expanded texture and instrumentation symbolize the family members supporting each other to overcome difficulties.
V. Be with me forever, my hero.
The theme in the last paragraph echoes to the first paragraph and bring the music atmosphere back to a grand and bright feature. The rich sound and musical element are broadened by the solo, tutti, and chords between the 3 soloists. The piece is ended in a tender phrase and a strong major triad that reveals the duality of a father’s character and their heroic spirit that lies deeply in their children’s mind.
Featured Trombone 1
Featured Trombone 2
Featured Trombone 3
Flute 1
Flute 2
Bb Clarinet 1
Bb Clarinet 2
Bb Clarinet 3
Bb Bass Clarinet
Eb Alto Saxophone 1
Eb Alto Saxophone 2
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone