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台灣民謠組曲 / Taiwan Folksong Suite
編曲:游元慶(Yuen-hing Yau)
出版公司:卡穠Canon Art


商品貨號 CC0008 商品分類 , , 商品標籤



在台灣,這裡所謂「⻄北雨」是指夏天午後雷陣雨。這種驟雨,為時不⻑,通常只維持四五⼗分鐘左右,來時猶如猛獸之獷暴,兇猛異常。這首有趣的童謠共敘述了兩個故事,⼀則是描寫在⼤雨中鯽仔⿂的迎親隊伍,浩浩蕩蕩的往女家前進,隊伍中的媒人婆、提燈者、打鼓的鮐魚、扛轎的挑夫,這些由魚類昆蟲裝扮的人物,讓我們的想像都飛舞起來;第二則是講下著雨時,正趕路歸家的白鷺鷥摔倒在路旁, 匆忙中又迷了路,找不到家,看著天色漸黑,只好期望好⼼的⼟地公公⼤發慈悲,幫牠⼀把吧。
「高山青、澗水藍,阿里山的姑娘美如水,阿里山的少年壯如⼭」⼀闕歌詞,風靡多少個年頭,原來是台灣電影插曲,藍星詩人鄧禹平作詞,香港導演張徹(1923-2002)作曲,亦是張唯⼀創作的曲⼦;「⾼⼭青」家傳⼾曉傳唱不輟, 1952 年黃友棣曾改編為小提琴變奏曲,後再編為混聲四部合唱,曾改歌名為<阿里山之歌>。此曲受歡迎程度很⾼,雖然不是真正的⺠謠,但總被誤以為是原住⺠的傳統⺠歌。由於「⾼⼭青」已是唯⼀以原住⺠曲調描述⼭地風情、⼈物的名歌,⼜使⽤鈴⿎及⼩⿎等樂器,因此在當時的國語流⾏歌曲中獨樹⼀格。 「⾼⼭青」最早由青⼭演唱,風靡⼀時,由於歌詞內容盛讚原住⺠,因此也被其他原住⺠歌⼿如施孝榮等重新翻唱過。

【Darkened Sky】
a light, tuneful and most popular folksong among all from the northern part of Taiwan, telling a story of an old couple set in an amusing argue on how to cook a crucian carp. The lyric varies when the song travels from places where the original lyric remains humorous enough to create a joyous mood.
【In thoughts of….】
a sad piece of song sung by the pioneers, who felt home sick after a hard day’s work from the field. Said to be derived from ancient tunes and sung by these pioneers from Fujien and Kwangdung to Taiwan. The introduction is improvisatory in nature & starts with words like, in thoughts of .. in memory of…, then leads into a phrase of 7 words with ornaments of exclamation
syllables like ‘e-do’, ‘i-yo-wei’ etc. The melody usually remains plain and simple in comparison.
【Carp’s Wedding in the Downpour】
in Taiwan, this so-called is named after some heavy showers of thunder-rainstorm which comes around mid-days in summer. This kind of showers usually stays only for 45 minutes but comes like
hammering the soil. It tells two fairy tales: a troupe of crucian carp was marching in rainy waters as the wedding of a pair of carp is going on, characters like the match-maker, the lamp man, the drummers etc. are all in action. The second fairy tale described a poor little egret lost its way home during the rainfall and when the moon is rising, it hopelessly begs for a helping hand to bring it home.
【Highland Green】
originally a title song to the film which was composed by the Hong Kong film director Zhāng chè, who also shot his film with the same title in Taiwan during the 40’s & 50’s of the 20th century. The description of the aborigines within the lyrics and its folksong-like melody brought its popularity even now it is generally misunderstood that it is truly mountain folklore.
【Peach blossom takes the Ferry】
another funny tune from some folk stage work sung by a pair of male & female singers, and the tune can be sung separately from the play, telling a lady named ‘peach blossom’ comes to a ferry point to take the boat across the river. She compromised with the boatman if he won in singing her the song, he can take her as his wife but if she won, he has to sent her free of charge. Finally of course, the lady’s wish is fulfilled.

Eb Clarinet
Bb Clarinet1
Bb Clarinet2&3
Eb Alto Clarinet
Bb Bass Clarinet
Alto Saxophone1&2
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
Bb Trumpet 1
Bb Trumpet 2&3
F Horn 1&2
F Horn 3&4
Trombone 1
Trombone 2&3

Double Bass

Snare Drum
Bass Drum
Percussion 1
(Tambourine, 2 Woodblocks, Tri-Toms)
Percussion 2
Paired Cymbals
Suspended Cymbals
Mallets(Xylophone, Bells)
