▪ 針對不同樂器需求的部分練習
▪ 獨奏二重奏與三重奏曲目
▪ 特別為雙簧管、法國號與打擊編輯教本
▪ 收錄來自二十多個國家的曲目
▪ 顫音與擴大音域的指法表
▪ 600頁的教師專用手冊
▪ 技巧建立練習與評量表格
▪ 全彩印刷
▪ 鋼琴伴奏
▪ 進階練習
▪ 節奏訓練
Standard of Excellence Book 3 is a continuation of the strong performance-centered curriculum of Books 1 and 2. It is also an intermediate level band method that introduces students to Western Music History. Students play music from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic periods and 20th Century; they learn performance and technical skills within the appropriate historical context. Students are given a complete musical and historical education while advancing toward high levels of musical performance on their individual instruments.