“Lift Your Veil” is an iconic traditional Uyghur folk song by Chinese songwriter Wang Luobin, based on Čahargah muqam.
According to the composer’s record, the song originally describes a kind of countryside entertainment. During the slack season in autumn, an old farmer dressed up with women’s clothes, head covered by a veil, twirling. A young man sang and danced around the old man and was shocked when the veil is removed, causing a burst of laughter among people. Local wedding culture often comes with singing and dancing. Varies versions of the folk song retained.
Japanese composer Hideaki Miura uses a snare drum to create a vigorous introduction, and go through until the middle. Famous Uyghur melodies are played by various instruments, along with dotted and syncopated rhythm which forms a joyful country dance style. Drumset in the middle passage creates a distinctive flavor. Recapitulation increases the magnificence of natural scenarios. The music ends with a staccato passage and strong triplets played by percussion.
Electric Bass