The story of Zhurong, who is the god that teaching people to use fire, is from “The Classic of Mountains and Seas”. At the beginning of the piece, people could not control the fire, causing a huge blaze and made everyone apprehensive. Zhurong appeared at this time, imparting the methods of farming, and controlling fire. Shortly afterwards, Gonggong, the god of water, caused a war with Zhurong. Because he envied Zhurong was beloved by people, he convened the flood to put out the holy fire. After an intense fight, Zhurong won the war while Gonggong poured out with the flood. The world recovered to peace and left for a brighter future.
The piece is composed by Shimoda Kazuki. He uses various musicianship, especially many improvisations to describe the images of fire. The music started with random p.p., like the mysterious, uncontrollable flame waving on the ground. As Zhurong controls the fire, it goes to a smooth tempo which means the stable life of human. It comes with random p.p. again when the war starts, basing on the aggressive rhythm, tone-risings, and tone-droppings present the appearance of rush fire. At the end of this section, Gonggong falls under the disconsolate sound of euphonium. Accompany with the sextupulet by wood and mallet, and the strong trumpet sound, Zhurong brings the world to the brink of triumph.