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海上霸主 – 鄭芝龍 / Lord of the sea-Zheng Zhilong
作曲:田村修平(Tamura Shuhei)


商品貨號 CC0104 商品分類 , , , , 商品標籤



樂曲始於聖歌式音樂,旋律從靜謐的氛圍堆疊,展開雄偉的銅管主題,彷彿年少的鄭芝龍於祝禱時展現堅定的意志。 C段進入快板樂段,象徵大航海時代的開啟,銅管與打擊樂器演奏出緊張的氣氛,搭配交錯的3/4拍與2/4拍,如同鄭氏處於錯綜複雜的文化中心,思考如何在局勢的競合斡旋當中走出自己的路。最後他成功擊敗勁敵,取得強權成為海上霸主。結束一連串緊湊節拍後,樂曲進入慢板,K段以長笛與薩克斯風獨奏展開鄭芝龍的獨白,綿延的風鈴聲呼應首段主題,如在暗夜裡憶起初心,回溯自身文化根源。在自我思考之後,N段反覆的樂句帶出鄭氏再次被喚醒的雄心壯志,末段回到3/4拍與2/4拍交叉的樂段,再次進入高潮,全曲在戲劇化、漸慢的旋律中落幕。In the post-epidemic era, various unstable factors always make people feel panic and anxiety under the ever-changing world situation and virus infestation. But this also creates a space for reflection on the relationship between human and land: the cooperation of both sides is the only way leading to hope. The piece is hoped that can inject stability into each other in the turbulent world and become a light to guide everyone forward.
The beginning of the music creates the joyous atmosphere of the world. People full of curiosity explore and create a magnificent and splendid utopia. But as human became more and more greedy, the environment could not bear and began to devour the human world. The wild and low brass sound and the rapid beat of the mallet instruments, like the nervousness of the spread of the virus, took away people’s happiness. The exhausted humans sighed in the dark after the struggle as the allegro ended in section F. In the difficult environment, there are still a group of people who love peace and music trying their best to survive. Taking this as an opportunity, they began to think about how to achieve a balance between prosperity and preservation. The march of section H symbolizes the reflection and reunification of human beings. The subsequent adagio movement is like a confession to nature, followed by a dialogue between the brass instrument headed by the French horn and the woodwind instrument headed by the flute. Echoing the theme of the first paragraph, the fanfare sound of congratulations led the two parties to join hands towards a more stable and better future.
Flute 1
Flute 2
Bb Clarinet 1
Bb Clarinet 2
Bb Clarinet 3
Bb Bass Clarinet
Eb Alto Saxophone 1
Eb Alto Saxophone 2
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone
Bb Trumpet 1
Bb Trumpet 2
Bb Trumpet 3
F Horn 1& 2
F Horn 3&4
Trombone 1
Trombone 2
Trombone 3
Euphonium ( B.C.)
Euphonium ( T.C.)
TubaDouble Bass(Opt.)
Percussion 1 (Wind Chime, Suspended Cymbal)
Percussion 2 (Bass Drum, Snare Drum)
Percussion 3 (Bamboo Chime or Rain Stick, Glockenspiel, Toms, Wood Blocks, Tam-tam, Triangle, Crash Cymbal)
Percussion 4 (Chime, Triangle, Tam-tam, Cowbell, Triangle, Anvil, Glockenspiel, Bass Drum)