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童話故事中的仙女 – 低語者 / Tableaux féeriques – Les Chuchoteurs
作曲:Martin Romberg
出版公司:Gérard Billaudot


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《童話故事中的仙女 – 低語者》由十八首短曲組成,是帶有童話故事線的作品。

Author: Delphine Margau

People say that the fairy folk have deserted our forests. Imps, Elves, Trolls… all disappeared, or so they say. Some even claim they never existed.
But I went and sat on the ground in the forest, up in the North where I live, and I leaned my back against a great pine tree. Cuddling up next to its roots, I waited with my eyes and ears wide open. I was getting wet but I was ecstatic with joy for I did hear them – for the very first time in my life – among the flutter of wings, the rustle of leaves and all sorts of chirping and grunting noises. First I heard them. Then I saw them, tiny luminescent creatures in the shade of trees with their slender diaphanous bodies and their delicate wings fluttering with grace, energy and eloquence. Dazzling reflections of Nature. Rarely seen, but certainly heard. I listened more attentively and the sounds became words, powerful, meaningful words. And more than words: messages. Creatures of light, little folk of the forest – I call them “the Whisperers”. Their crystalline voices make a joyful concert unto our ears. Over time, I realized I could hear them everywhere – in the woods, but also in the city, in the country, at the seaside… all I had to do was to stop and listen. There were so many of them, the Whisperers, each with a different message. And each time, their message echoed an inner state, a question or an emotion. A message of courage at times when shoulders sag in defeat, a message of love when the heart becomes so hard, a message of joy for those moments when the chest is so tight that breathing becomes difficult. I go about my business as usual, but my inner wings unfold and my eyes light up and I smile at life, no matter its highs and lows, its light and shadow, because I can feel them, I can hear them, those dancing, singing words. Children of the world, prick up your ears and let the Whisperers offer you their cheerful messages, let them be your companions on the path of life. And pass the word on to those adults who haven’t yet silenced their inner child: they, too, will hear the Whisperers!

Eb Alto Saxophone
Piano (Organ)