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賽德克 巴萊 / Highlight from Seediq Bale
編曲:波田野直彥(Hiko Hatano)


商品貨號 CP0023 商品分類 , , , 商品標籤



《賽德克.巴萊》為台灣原住民賽德克族之族語,有「真正的人」之涵義,是一部以歷史佐證及平衡觀點的台灣史詩電影。彷彿使我們回到1930年代的台灣,了解日本殖民統治時期之下,官方對於原住民的文明改革及壓迫措施雖自有立場;然而對賽德克族人來說,異族帶來的文明與價值,卻消滅了部族的傳統文化,失落了民族的尊嚴。此衝突導致賽德克族馬赫坡社的頭目莫那.魯道率眾反抗日本駐警單位,進而引發「霧社事件」故事始末。但劇中主旨並非站在反抗者的角度,而是描述兩個民族之間因文化衝突導致的一場悲劇。此電影於2011年上映,也是台灣導演魏德聖繼2008年執導電影《海角七號》後的第二部劇情長片。《賽德克.巴萊》全片長達4.5小時,分為上下兩集:〈太陽旗〉及〈彩虹橋〉。全片打造從最初發想、史料彙整、劇本企劃,到拍攝後製完成,前後超過12個年頭,耗資高達7億新台幣的成本預算。上映前亦獲邀參加當屆「威尼斯國際影展」並評選入圍正式競賽片,成為國際媒體的熱門焦點;也在第48屆「金馬獎」頒獎典禮中,一舉榮獲了最佳劇情片、最佳電影原創音樂及最佳音效等多項獎項。電影中的片尾主題曲《賽德克.巴萊 之 看見彩虹》,是賽德克族原住民歌手,亦是片中演員拉卡.巫茂(阿飛)負責詞曲創作並擔任配唱製作人,由數十位主要演員擔任歌手,通力合唱完成。在悲壯淒美的歌聲中,歌詠著不朽的英雄情懷,並跟隨祖靈的精神,讓生命生生不息。原電影原聲帶配樂是由新加坡籍資深作曲家Ricky Ho(何國杰)擔綱譜曲製作,將西方管弦樂器與原住民音樂中的口簧琴、打擊樂等元素的完美結合。而此管樂組曲改編版本,則特別邀請日本作曲家Hiko Hatano(波田野直彥)於同年年底所改編,編曲手法新穎,適用於管樂團音樂會演出,效果尤佳。同時,波田野直彥老師也希望藉此編曲,緬懷歷史事件中不幸殉難的人們,並且加深台灣與日本之間的友誼。組曲內所收錄的劇中經典配樂包括:【出草】、【失去的獵場】、【復仇】、【賽德克.巴萊之看見彩虹】

“Seediq Bale,” the language of Seediq—Taiwan aboriginal, means “A Real Man,” and is also a Taiwanese epic movie based on historical evidence and neutral viewpoints. It brings people back to the 1930s, during the Japanese rule of Taiwan, when the authority may have the position to civilize and oppress the aboriginal people; while to Seediq people, the civilization and value came with the heathens vanished the traditional culture and dignity of their tribe. Such conflict results in Mona Rudo, the chieftain of the Mehebu tribe, leading people to rebel against Japanese polices and triggers off “Wushe Incident.” However, it is not the rebellion point of view but the cultural conflict between two nations that the main idea the movie tries to present.The movie presents in 2011, the second drama that the Taiwanese director—Mr. Wei Te-Sheng, directs after “Cape No. 7” in 2008. The movie “Seediq Bale” runs up to four and a half hours. The film is divided into two parts: “The Flag of Sun” and “The Bridge of Rainbow.” It takes over 12 years and costs about 700 million NT dollars from idea planning, historical data searching, scriptwriting, to post-production. Before the movie is presented in Taiwan, it is nominated as Competition Film and has its world premiere at the 68th Venice International Film Festival. Meanwhile. It also won Best Picture, Original Score, Sound Effects, and many other awards in the 48th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.“The Rainbow Promise” is the ending song of the movie, composed and produced by Laka Umaw, an aboriginal Seediq singer also playing a role in the film. It is sung by dozens of main actors/actresses who praise the immortal heroism through their touching voices, trying to follow the spirits of ancestors and make life lives on.The Original Soundtrack is composed by Ricky Ho, senior Singaporean composer, who perfectly combines the western orchestral music with aboriginal Jew’s harp and percussion. This melody is specially arranged at the end of the same year by Mr. Hiko Hatano, a Japanese composer. The arrangement is endowed with a novel idea that when it is performed in a wind band concert, it is amazing. In the meanwhile, through this composition, composer Hiko Hatano wished to recollect people who lost their lives in this historical event and deepen the friendship between Taiwan and Japan.The soundtracks in the special melody include:【Our Hunting Ground Promise】,【Without a Hunting Field】,【Nemesis of Old】,【The Rainbow Promise】

Flute 1&2
Bb Clarinet 1
Bb Clarinet 2&3
Eb Alto Saxophone 1&2
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone
Bb Trumpet 1
Bb Trumpet 2& 3
F Horn 1&2
F Horn 3&4
Trombone 1&2
Bass Trombone
Percussion 1 (Snare Drum)
Percussion 2 (Suspended Cymbal, China Cymbal, Finger Cymbal, Bass Drum, Slap Stick, Sleigh Bell, Gong, Maracas, Whip)
Percussion 3 (Bongo or Djembe, Conga, Cabasa, Wind Chime, Jew’s Harp)
Percussion 4 (Tom-Toms, Triangle)