七彩薩克曲集是由一系列拉丁民謠原創作品所組成,收錄各種傳統、流行的拉丁美洲和加勒比音樂等節奏多樣的樂曲。無論是起源於高原(秘魯 Huayno、玻利維亞 Takirari)、太平洋或大西洋沿岸(哥倫比亞 Cumbla、阿根廷 Milonga)或加勒比海島嶼(古巴波萊羅、牙買加雷鬼),這些節奏搖擺的音樂對學生和老師都具有極大的教學意義。
For 1 or 2 alto saxophones with recorded Latin-American ensemble accompaniment on CD.
Colorissaxo, saxophone latin’ ballad’ is a collection of original compositions of great rhythmic variety based on a wide array of traditional and popular Latin-American and Caribbean music. Wether originating from the altiplano (Peruvian Huayno, Bolivian Takirari), from the Pacific or the Atlantic coast (Columbian Cumbla, Argentinian Milonga) or from the Caribbean islands (Cuban Bolero, Jamaican Reggae), these compositions with their swaying rhythms are of great pedagogical interest for student and teacher alike.
In accordance with traditional oral transmission practice, we invite teachers and students to make use of the accompanying CD in order to memorize the music through active listening, singing etc
Playing along with the playback soundtrack, with / without the written material, will help control and improve perfect sync.