1949 年出生於日本山形縣鶴岡市,神奈川大學工業部畢業後在YAMAHA BAND DIRECTOR COURSE 進修,以兼田敏與內堀誠為師。
創作曲目多次成為全日本吹奏樂競賽中的指定曲,也擅長將各種領域中的樂曲,重新編制為吹奏取向編曲;吹奏樂曲的曲風以描述自然、簡約為代表。 代表作品有:全日本吹奏樂競賽1985 年度的指定曲《為了吹奏樂的而做的交響詩-看見風景的波動》;全日本吹奏樂競賽1991 年度指定曲《藍色珊瑚》;全日本吹奏樂競賽1997年度指定曲《五月的風》;更特別為了第18屆國民文化節2003 年吹奏樂祭典創作《為吹奏曲而讚美的歌曲—成長的流向》。
Toshio Mashima was born in Japan in 1949. He studied harmonics under Bin Kaneda and Jazz theory under Makoto Uchibori.
In his career as a composer, he composed Symphonic Poem for Wind Orchestra ” View with a Glimpse of Waves ” (1985), Symphonic Impression for Wind Orchestra ” Coral Blue ” (1991), March ” Sweet Breeze in May ” (1997), ” Mirage I “(1992), ” Jacob’s ladder to a Crescent “(1995), ” Mirage a Paris ” (1997), ” Mirage II ” (premiered by Musique de la Garde Republicaine, in Paris, France in 1999), ” Les trois notes du Japon ” (2001), and ” La Danse du Phenix -impression de Kyoto – “(2005) ,This work wins the Premier Grand prix in Laureat Coups de Vents 2006 (Concours international de Composition pour Orchestre d’Harmonie) at Lille (France), in 16 december 2006.
Those his works are published in Japan, the United States and Netherlands. He works at the fields of both Classic and Jazz. Lately, He also has produced music for dramas on TV.
.交響詩 台灣(湖—生命的起源)A Symphonic Poem”TAIWAN” Dalubaling The Symbol of Originality