三浦秀秋 Hideaki Miura

【簡介 / Introduction】

三浦秀秋出生於1982,於東京尚美音樂及媒體藝術專門學校就讀作曲,師承 Etsuo Kawasaki、Masataka Matsuo、Hideki Shinozaki,2004年畢業後,三浦秀秋為交響樂團、管樂團、商業演出等活動編寫風格多樣的樂曲。近期替京都交響樂團和歌手加藤美歲的演出、加藤登記子的CD作品、以及”New Sounds in Brass”管樂特輯編曲,並同時於洗足學園音樂大學擔任講師。

Hideaki Miura was born in 1982. He studied composition at the Tokyo music & media arts Shobi under Etsuo Kawasaki, Masataka Matsuo and Hideki Shinozaki. After having graduated in March 2004, he arranges wide genres such as symphony orchestra, wind band, and commercial music as a professional composer.

Therecent work is the orchestra concert arrangement of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra & Kato Miriya, the arrangement of the CD of Tokiko Kato, and the arrangement of the wind music album “New Sounds in Brass”.    He is also a lecturer at SenzokuGakuen College of Music.

【相關作品 / Works】

室內管樂團 :

想親親 1.5級/Missing You

想親親 3級/Missing You

白族傳奇-金橋銀路 / Legend of Baipho-Golden Bridge and Silver Road

獨奏/重奏 :

愉快的長號 / Laughing Uncle Trombone

古老的戰歌 / The Song of an Ancient Warrior

莫札特小王子 / The Little Prince Mozart

協奏 :

我的父親,我的超級英雄 / My Dad, My Superhero

愉快的長號 / Laughing Uncle Trombone

莫札特小王子 / The Little Prince Mozart

古老的戰歌 / The Song of an Ancient Warrior