【簡介 / Introduction】
談到日本的西洋管弦樂團,就一定會提到大正年間至昭和時期日本第一個成立的西洋樂團「patano˙ochestra」,該樂團的擁有者波多野鑅次郎即為波田野直彥先生的祖父,繼承了祖父的音樂基因,波田野直彥以優異成績從玉川學園高中部、東京音樂大學器樂科畢業。當他在玉川學園就讀時,曾參與全國吹奏樂大賽,且連續三年獲得金賞大獎。而在音樂大學就讀時也參加日本著名的「傑尼斯」演藝經紀公司的「sibu樂隊」bak band,十分活躍。
畢業後,波田野直彥陸陸續續參與了「劇團四季ochestra」、拉丁樂團「Havana club」等類型各異的樂團,增進累積了更多的演奏經驗。之後也開始嘗試編曲,特別是以管樂器為主的演奏曲作品數量最多。華麗、獨特的「波田野世界」的音聲表現,展開了他世界性的演出生涯、並出版發行了樂譜、CD 等作品。 在管樂演奏教育方面,波多野先生從98年至01年一直擔任東京尚美音樂媒體藝術專門學校「POP管樂合奏團」之指導工作。目前為玉川學園K12管樂團顧問及玉川大學管樂團顧問,並擔任「The windwave」的樂團音樂監督及指揮,也在東京音樂大學創校100周年紀念中擔任演講、演出、編曲、指揮一職。
Hiko Hatano is the first orchestra in Japan”HATANO ORCHESTRA” Kojiro Hatano as The leader of orchestra. He was a great musician in Japan, and Hiko have inherited his DNA. Graduated from TAMAGAWA ACADEMY and TOKYO COLLEGE OF MUSIC. As a student, he was awarded the gold prize five consecutive years at All Japan Band competition.
After graduating from university, he start the music activities as professional trumpet player. “GEKIDAN SIKI” ”HABANA CLUB” ”EL MANICERO in other many jazz bigband and orchestra in japan. And then, working as composer and arranger. In particular, he wrote many arrangements mainly a wind instrument. Its brilliant sound has been playing as “Hatano World,” are music publishing and CD in the world. Further started working as a conductor than 2003. Recently, it has been invited from the world as a guest conductor. He worked jury and master class in Japan jazz pops competition and in the world.
In the field of education, “pops wind ensemble” at Syobi music college ’98 – ’01. Currently Tamagawa Academy and University symphonic wind orchestra conductor. “THE WINDWAVE”(professional pops wind orchestra) music director and conductor.
【相關作品 / Works】
.心肝寶貝~搖嬰仔歌 / Lovely Baby (with Taiwanese Lullaby)