金山徹 Tohru Kanayama

【簡介 / Introduction】

金山徹(Tohru Kanayama),1960年出生於日本山口縣。小學時期在管樂團裡擔任小號和上低音號;初中與高中時開始轉學習單簧管,求學期間受到千葉國夫、村井祐兒、柏野晉吾和西村一男等著名音樂家的指導。畢業於武藏野音樂學院之後,他以鍵盤和單簧管演奏者的身份參與音樂表演和錄音。此外,以作曲家及編曲家的身份參加了包括V6、KinKi Kids和Boy Scouts等許多樂團的演唱會和專輯;近年亦涉足指揮,進一步擴展音樂活動足跡。他出版了許多唱片,主要是改編流行音樂做為管樂團的演奏曲。其原創作品「Blue Corner」被收錄於第十四回「21世紀的吹奏樂 – 響宴」演奏曲目。

Tohru Kanayama was born in Yamaguchi, Japan, in 1960. In Elementary school, he played trumpet and euphonium in wind band. In middle school, he played clarinet in wind band, and also studied with famous musician such as Chiba Kunio, Yuji Murai, and Kashino Shingo and Kazuo Nishimura. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae, he appeared in concerts and recording session as a keyboardist and clarinetist. He also did many concerts and albums as the composer and arranger for band V6, KinKi Kids, and Boy Scouts, and he has been extending music activity with being a conductor.

His works have been released by many other publishers and has been re-edited as the main track. He is very active in composing, and his original creation “Blue Corner” was selected for the 14th “21st Century Wind Music – Kyo-en”.

【相關作品 / Works】



失戀陣線聯盟 / Grasshopper’s Club Broken Heart

海闊天空 / Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies

光輝歲月 2級 / Glorious Days G2

光輝歲月 3級 / Glorious Days G3

孤勇者 1.5級 / A Lone Brave Man G1.5

孤勇者 3級 / A Lone Brave Man G3

繡荷包 1.5級 / Purse Embroider G1.5

繡荷包 3級 / Purse Embroider G3

回娘家 1.5級 / Visiting Parents G1.5

回娘家 3級 / Visiting Parents G3


夏天的吹笛人 / The Summer Flutist

雙簧假期 / Oboes on Vacation

兒時記趣 / The Joy in Childhood

希望之光 / The Light of Hope


送郎當紅軍 / Join the Red Army

繡荷包 / Purse Embroider

步步高 / Bu Bu Gao

採茶捕蝶 / Picking Tea Ditty

回娘家 / Visiting Parents

孤勇者 / A Lone Brave Man

重奏 / 獨奏:

夏天的吹笛人 / The Summer Flutist

雙簧假期 / Oboes on Vacation

兒時記趣 / The Joy in Childhood

希望之光 / The Light of Hope

孤勇者 銅管重奏 / A Lone Brave Man Brass Ensemble

孤勇者 木管重奏 / A Lone Brave Man Wood Ensemble

孤勇者 薩克斯重奏 / A Lone Brave Man Saxophone Ensemble

孤勇者 打擊重奏 / A Lone Brave Man Percussion Ensemble