【簡介 / Introduction】
目前為國立臺灣藝術大學、臺北市立教育大學兼任副教授。曾隨張邦彥教授學作曲,經常為臺北市立交響樂團、長榮交響樂團作管弦樂編曲,有管樂團編曲數十首,是國內極受歡迎的管樂作曲家,作品曾多次被選為全國音樂比賽指定曲,也是各級樂團節目單中常見的曲目。2000年管樂合奏曲〈豐年祭〉大受歡迎,2007年應臺灣管樂團之邀,創作管樂合奏曲〈廟〉,2010年受國立臺灣交響樂團委託創作「慶祝建國百年」管樂合奏曲〈土地之戀〉。 他也是臺北愛樂電臺FM 99.7「管,它是什麼聲音」管樂節目主持人。2009年出版《管樂合奏的歷史》,2010年出版《近代管樂團的形成與發展》、《管樂界巡禮》管樂專書。
Hsu Shuang-Liang is a well-known Taiwanese conductor, composer, arranger, trombonist and author of wind ensemble-related literature. Mr. Hsu has been a member of Taipei Symphony Orchestra since 1981, In 1985, he was awarded a French-government-funded scholarship to study at the École Normale de Musique de Paris. In 1987, he was awarded advanced diplomas in both trombone and chamber music performance.
Mr. Hsu has been principal trombone for the Taipei Symphony Orchestra and a member of the Taipei Brass Quintet. From 2002 to present, as conductor of the Taipei Symphonic Winds. In 2006, he and his Ensemble held a concert at Guangzhou . They also were invited to perform in Macau, China, at the 14th Asia-Pacific Band Festival. In 2010, he conducted the “l’Orchestre d’Harmonie Chanson du Vent” for four performances in China. All of these performances received excellent reviews.
【相關作品 / Works】
室內管樂團 :