木原塁 Louis Kihara

【簡介 / Introduction】

1975年出生於日本東京都,畢業於洗足學園短期大學,主修管樂及爵士。小號師事富田悌二、原朋直老師。     自2000年開始從事編曲、至今已為「THE WIND WAVE」、「東京佼成管樂團」、「SIENA 管樂團」、「東京Wind Heroes」等知名樂團編寫多首作品。木原塁老師擅長的流行樂編曲融合了拉丁與爵士等元素,在管樂曲目中極具特色,獨樹一幟;此間也從事素人樂隊與管樂團的指導,並在近年重新開始演奏活動。在他個人領導的「Horn Section」樂團也積極進行錄音及表演相關活動。

Born in Tokyo, Japan, 1975, Louis Kihara later entered Senzoku Gakuen College of Music to study trumpet and jazz with Teiji Tomita and Tomonao Hara. He started to arrange concert band transcriptions since the year 2000, which have been commissioned by renowned bands such as THE WIND WAVE, Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, Siena Wind Orchestra, and Tokyo Wind Heroes. Louis Kihara’s arrangements are characterized with pop music mixed with Latin as well s as jazz elements, which is rarely seen in concert band transcription. He also directs amateur bands and resumes his performance career in recent years. The band “Horn Section” participates recordings and performances progressively under his direction.

【相關作品 / Works】

室內管樂團 :

編花籃 1.5級/Flower Basket Weaving

編花籃 3級/Flower Basket Weaving

好花紅 1.5級/Hao Hua Hong

好花紅 3級/Hao Hua Hong

靈活編制 :

好花紅/Hao Hua Hong

編花籃/Flower Basket Weaving